Presence Is The Key



These days it seems there is so much information being shared online, on social media, and in books being written on motivation, inspiration, on working harder, becoming more disciplined, doing more, being more, and having more as a result.

All of these things are great, and aspiring to be a better person and learning and growing are all admirable qualities and goals.

But what if you made lots of money and are very well-off financially, yet you constantly worry about the stock market crashing or a possible downturn in the economy? Or your relationships are strained because you’re not really living in the here and now, and can’t really be there for your loved ones?

Why is it so important and yet equally difficult to be present in our lives? 

What does it mean to be truly present? How can we be more present?

Being present – being right here, right now, not worrying about the future or ruminating about the past – is a very simple concept and one of the most important teachings in the world, yet many of us have a really difficult time living in the moment. 

Why? Well, these days one of the biggest reasons is because we’re all being bombarded with negative and dramatic news 24/7, most of which is keeping many people in fear. Fear of the ‘what if’s’ and the dreaded unknown. Fear of the economy, fear of going outside and getting sick, fear of the impending storm – all magnified by the media to keep us looking ahead. 

We’re also conditioned at a very young age to plan; plan for our future, plan for our careers, plan for our retirement. Of course, a lot of this planning is useful, but is it really no wonder why so many of us are thinking about the future and not being here, now?  We didn’t get any schooling on how to be present. Instead, we were taught to constantly be on guard and keep planning.

Another big reason staying in the moment is so challenging is because staying present means that we are living in the unknown – and not knowing is very hard for us. We want to know the outcome of what’s going to happen next. We want to be prepared for any eventuality.

Becoming aware of the present moment and our thought patterns can be very challenging. It can take an enormous amount of energy and awareness to change from these habitual programs we have. 

Presence is one of the most important virtues. When we become fully present, we’re able to set forth from an unconditioned space in which we are centered, grounded, calm, and clear. 

As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with much easier.

We move forward with ease and grace instead of pushing, struggling, worrying about what comes next and trying to control an outcome that hasn’t even happened yet.

One of the best gifts you can give yourself (and your loved ones) is being present. Not being off in your head, thinking or problem-solving. 

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land, there is no other life but this.” Henry David Thoreau

When we try to control and calculate the outcome of our actions, we are living in a place of worry, fear, and wanting – and all of these things pull us away from being present. 

When we are always attached to an outcome this adds to our inability to be truly living in the here and now.  And because what we put out into the world is what we receive, having a relationship with the world is like this means we’re going to receive more of the same in return. It becomes a vicious cycle. 

“To end the misery that has afflicted the human condition for thousands of years, you have to start with yourself and take responsibility for your inner state at any given moment. That means now.” Eckhart Tolle

So, how do we live with more presence?

Here’s a good starting place. Gently let go of being a victim of your past. 

When we’ve been hurt by others it’s normal and justifiable to be upset, resentful and angry, but at some point those emotions take over your life. They spill over into everything you do, most times without you even being aware of it. Sometimes it’s simply a misunderstanding that didn’t get talked through, but we pass judgment on the situation – and the other person – and as we become more and more bitter, it puts a strain on us. It takes a pretty significant amount of energy to keep up the emotions to support resentment and anger, and at some point you’re only damaging yourself further. There is the famous quote “Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”  Maybe it’s time to let it go and no longer be a prisoner to your past.

“Forgiveness liberates the soul. It removes fear. That is why it is such a powerful weapon.”

Nelson Mandela

Awareness is another concept that may help you. Become aware of your thoughts, but realize that you are not your thoughts. There’s no need to believe them – you’re better to simply observe them, to remove yourself from any attachment to the thought or emotion that thought invokes. Awareness is like sitting in a chair watching yourself have a thought in one of those puffy cloud-like word-balloons, but then watching it leave your head and disappear without being attached to the concept or emotion. 

If you can work on building more awareness in your life, you’ll start to become more grounded, centered and present. 

Start right now. How many times has your mind taken you on a journey while you read this article?

Come back to being here, in your body. This is how we live our best lives, change the world and align ourselves with our true purpose. 

The more presence we have in our life, the more we are living from a place of creativity versus a state of survival.

When we surrender, trust, and simply be in this divine, precious, present moment, it allows us the opportunity to choose whatever comes next with calm, clarity and tranquility.


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